
Digital Marketing Strategy

Learn about our proven strategy that can increase your sales over the next 3-6 months. Imagine what it would be like to double your sales in the next few months while spending the same (or even less) on your marketing.

Profits would increase, you’d feel more secure that your business was on sure footing. You wouldn’t have to spend weekends worrying about work anymore and you’d finally be able to ‘switch off’.

Feeling sick and tired of spending your hard-earned money on advertising campaigns that simply cost you more than they make you? Are you fed up of the so-called ‘gurus’ and ‘experts’ that offer you more excuses than results?

Then stop the stress and frustration of trying to guess how to grow your business and put our proven, battle-tested strategies and tactics to work.

Why Social Media Authority

  • We love helping our clients to grow, we have developed winning digital marketing strategies for large brands, SMEs, startups, and entrepreneurs. Our online marketing strategies have generated solid returns in sales for our clients.
  • We’ve successfully deployed these strategies in multiple industries and niche business sectors. Using these marketing methods to help hundreds of businesses shift their gears into full throttle and crush their competition.
  • Many of them have seen sales more than double without spending a single penny more on their marketing.
  • Guaranteed results – if we don’t reach our KPI’s you stop paying us until we do!
  • No other agency will dare do this as they’d have to fire all their staff and quickly go out of business! In fact, go ahead and ask one if they’ll guarantee results and see how they respond.

Consistently Turn Advertising Into Profit

By sending highly qualified traffic to your site

Most agencies have it wrong! They focus on clicks and traffic, but you can’t take those to the bank. We are an ROI and performance-driven agency that often turns £1 into £3. Below are the services we are renowned for.

  • Traffic generation
    We send a steady stream of highly qualified customers in “hunt mode” to your website through both paid and organic traffic sources.
  • Conversion
    We increase the number of visitors that turn into buyers by implementing propriety tactics that help our client’s double or even triple their sales
  • Retargeting
    The visitors that don’t convert will be retargeted through timely and compelling ads that will follow them around the Internet.
  • Nurturing
    We help you set up an automated system that nurtures your leads for you, making your website run like a well-oiled sales machine.

What We Deliver

Before any campaign starts we do a full digital business audit and deliver a marketing strategy plan prior to any campaign.

That includes Business Process and Objectives

  • First, we look at your current business process and objectives, this gives us a clear foundation of what’s been done, what’s working and what’s not, the opportunity for improvement  and optimization – action required.

Performance Analysis

  1. Top Funnel AnalysisInput channels: Traffic sources, Google Organic/Paid Search, Social media etc.
  2. Middle Funnel Analysis – We analyse your existing sales funnel and business pipeline to determine your current conversion metrics – so that’s things like  (weekly or monthly number of traffic to your website/no of emails/no of outbound/inbound calls/number of closes).
  3. Bottom funnel Analysis  – Remarking activity, seen your ad, took action but did not convert, high interest needs a nudge, retargeted ads.
  4. Once we understand how much traffic is converting, where it’s converting and where it’s not we can devise and deliver the digital strategy plan for your business

Once we have finished all the analysis we build out a strategy and campaign plan, with recommendations for best performance.

  • Short, medium and long term business goals.
  • The strategies to achieve the goals at the digital level
  • The channels to use
  • Action and development plans
  • Investment and budget
  • The timing and roadmap