We help global brands design, build & launch mobile apps and connect digital platforms
With sheer customer satisfaction and retention in mind, we have a professional team of mobile app developers, designers, and creative engineers, dedicated to developing groundbreaking apps for emerging startups and established enterprises alike.
Why Social Media Authority
The Social Media Authority team has a network of mobile app developers, UX and UI designers, product managers, and marketing strategists who project their passion for all things tech into products that fulfil your vision. Every individual on our team is dedicated to providing the most robust, analytics-driven, innovative product that will boost your company’s digital presence well above other competitors.
When we launch products, we cater them to a user’s needs by offering the maximum experience to customers and high-level ROI for companies— they work on a parallel track. Our product managers and business strategists dive into hard, data-centric research that will get us a blueprint of the solution we might want to create. After analyzing the product concept as well as its predicted value, we align our findings to your business objectives.
We begin with a limited number of sprints in order to fit in as many ideas as possible into the minimum feature set. Sprints encourage flexibility in our process, which we’ll inevitably need as the solution will, in most cases, evolve and pivot from its original destination.
Once we establish a viable answer to your key business and product-related questions, we’ll move onto the design and development phase to create it into a deliverable. Conducted by our assiduous engineering, design, product, and account team, each successive release will help wield core features for future sprints— and we’ll be that much closer to showcasing a product that you can be proud of.
What We Deliver
You’re entering into the app development journey with an app idea you want to bring to life, but that’s it; that’s just the beginning. It might only be scratching the surface level of the solution that customers need. You want to be working with a team that can expertly predict what users are looking for; you want to keep the user’s best interests in mind.
We’ve guaranteed success on many of our products with ideation, discovery, testing, and iteration. This is what agile is all about: building the product iteratively and incrementally. Agile not only proves to be effective and foolproof but also allows us (and you) to save time and money since we only build what’s absolutely necessary.
Building an app without constant testing poses unforeseen risks that become increasingly difficult to fix, creating the perfect scenario for a killer headache. On the flip side, agile helps to limit that risk by letting our teams utilize unparalleled flexibility and build the apps in smaller parts. With agile, we ship quickly and frequently. Its methodologies allow our teams to recognize better paths for the app and go for better opportunities when they emerge.